A time for reflection

With the last days on the 2023 calendar being gradually ticked off, it’s a time of year that tends to lend itself to reflection. And, while some of us are tucking into a mince pie and looking forward to spending the festive period with people we care about, many will also be looking back at […]

‘Cultural life in the borough is vibrant’

As well as being about friends and family coming together and enjoying each other’s company, the festive season always feels to me like a cultural high point. Summer may be festival season, but in the run up to the close of the calendar so much is celebrated in Ealing. I’m writing this just at the […]

Take over at the council

Last Friday (17 November) young people experiencing care in Ealing were invited to ‘take over’ the council, and we took that very seriously, so we really meant take over. This wasn’t an opportunity to come and get some work experience for these young people, this was putting them in the driving seat, with decision-making placed […]

Our shared and collective home

Ealing is our shared and collective home, and we are proud that it is made up of communities so diverse that we have come to be representative of the globe at large. The most recent census tells us that 60% of us were born overseas. That we speak over 170 languages. So, when disasters and […]

A new cinema for Ealing – and culture bid

Last week, I was delighted to join the opening of the new Picturehouse Cinema at Filmworks in central Ealing. Fifteen years after the Empire Cinema closed, this has felt like an epic production and there have been times during the pandemic and in the recent economic crisis when it seemed that this day might not arrive. But, […]

Saluting our sisters and celebrating local heroes

Black History Month, which falls in October, gives us a chance to celebrate the contributions of our black neighbours, friends, family and colleagues to our lives and the world around us.  The theme of this year’s Black History Month is ‘Saluting our Sisters’, and October is also kinship care month. Kinship carers are those family and […]

Time to reflect backwards and look forwards

Having celebrated Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year) last weekend, on Sunday after watching the Ealing Half Marathon, I observed Yom Kippur. A little like Muslims during Ramadan, on Yom Kippur Jewish people undertake a full 24-hour nil-by-mouth fasting of food and water, designed to deprive the body of nourishment and to concentrate the mind […]

Tackling barriers to employment

Helping those who face barriers to employment is a key commitment writes Councillor Louise Brett, cabinet member for decent living incomes.   For many people, a decently paid job is one of the foundations of a happy, healthy life. That’s why it’s so important to Ealing Council to make support available to people who are […]

Looking back on a year since new council plan

Last year, we published our promises for our four-year term in the Council Plan. They represent the ways that we will work towards our main goal – making sure that everyone can live a long, healthy, happy life, in communities full of pride and identity. We’ve been working hard for the last year, and have made […]

Helping residents to cycle confidently

Helping more people to walk or cycle, especially for short, everyday journeys, will not only help us clean up our dirty air, reduce congestion and tackle the climate crisis, it will also help ensure we all live a longer, healthier life, writes Councillor Deirdre Costigan, Ealing Council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for climate change. […]